Latest on Android Development

Well after the end of last semester, I have spent a considerable amount of time on android application development and I think that I have made a lot of progress. I finally learned to use the async task in order to do operate in the background. Async Task allows us to make our application work in the background without affecting the UI thread. For example, if we are requesting some data over the network, then that task may require some time while it requests data from the server. If we are to make such request on the main thread, then that may very well obstruct our main thread until the request made to the server is completed. The time of such request may vary greatly. So to work around such a problem, a separate class for the async task is created where it makes requests to some data over the server in a separate thread.
Apart from that, I have learned to use Adapter so far this semester.
Looking forward, I want to learn more about using APIs from different websites like Reddit, Imgur, etc. and displaying them on the UI. My next goal is to make an app where it shows pictures of popular tourist destinations and then rate them on the basis of their beauty.


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